~ Welcome to our Little Vintage Camper Blog…

We bought our Camper/Trailer on Saturday, April 2, 2011

It’s been slow going…but now 4 (now 5) years later, I’m happy to say we are in FULL BLOWN REBUILD MODE!

Won’t you come along and see how we do it.

I hope more than anything…we get to camp soon!

Oh yes, and leave a comment, and let me know you visited…. I love to read them and will answer each one!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Camper Progress~

Over the summer we've been busy collecting things for the camper. 

Early on, I went to a yard sale and found this great 3 burner hot plate for only $20 or $25, I can't remember the exact cost. 
We're going to build it in with it's own space and hopefully have a cover over the top for extra counter space when not in use. 

The other thing we acquired for the camper was a pretty good stack of plywood. 
It's all about 1/4 inch thickness or so and will make great cabinets! We've been trying to come up with a floor plan that will work best for our little camper -- we still have no idea what type of camper this is or what year. So I'm not certain of an original floor plan. 

So though it's been too brutally hot here to actually do any real work--we HAVE been busy researching , collecting and laying some ground work!  

AND we still have a shell of a camper. 

Grace and Peace!