~ Welcome to our Little Vintage Camper Blog…

We bought our Camper/Trailer on Saturday, April 2, 2011

It’s been slow going…but now 4 (now 5) years later, I’m happy to say we are in FULL BLOWN REBUILD MODE!

Won’t you come along and see how we do it.

I hope more than anything…we get to camp soon!

Oh yes, and leave a comment, and let me know you visited…. I love to read them and will answer each one!

Friday, September 5, 2014

:: Not My Camper-

Or Random Phone Pix
Wasn’t sure what to call this post as I’ve already got a TAG title NOT my camper.
Very simply—these are pictures of campers, the pictures are mine; but the campers are NOT MINE and they are usually taken AT RANDOM,  with my iPhone,  when I’m out and about. They are also in various stages of repair. Because the LORD knows—I will pull-over to look at a camper and take some pictures.
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We are still in the remodel stages of our camper.  Little by little getting it done. I see little campers like this, very basic; and it gives me hope and encouragement!
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Soon enough we will hopefully be at the PULL-AWAY-FROM-HOME stage.
Looking like this simple beauty--- hauling it down the highway!
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Until then,
Grace and Peace…

1 comment:

  1. I would so love to own one myself. It's always been a dream. But I live in the city of a San Francisco. But I to adored them. Can wait to see yours done. With love Janice


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