We bought a $10 box of floor laminate that look like floor planks… and that is what we are using on the kitchen counter and table in the dinette (not pictured).
The Vent box has been the bane of our campering existance… seriously. We’ve had leak after leak. Truly and HOT MESS. It looks bad right here, but take my word for it when I say …IT LOOKS GOOD Y’ALL! THIS PRE PAINT… infact as of this writing it’s still no painted. But is leak free and there is a cover installed …photo to follow, soon.
Collage: Shows the vent framed and caulked. The Contact paper tres foil motif on the ceiling and under the back cabinet. The new 12 volt light installed and new screens and cranks! (purchased at Ace Hardware…they have a pretty good camper section)
Close up of the screen and window crank… I just love this photo.
If you’d like to see more you can on my Instagram hastag lilcamperthatcould … so yeah! there is so much to see! I mean if you can’t wait.
Grace and Peace!
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