can you help us identify our camper?
Finally! we have identified our camper. (it only took five years, but we've done it!)
We own a 1967 Okie camper.
We are STILL very interested in any information you have about Okie campers. We haven't found out much about them. Most of the ones we've seen online are much smaller that ours. We have found an Okie Trailer manufacturer-- but they only make utility trailers.
We are not sure if this is the same company.
If you have any information about vintage Okie Camper-trailers... please email me... click the snoopy mailbox on the side bar and drop me line. I'd love to hear what you have to say about the Okie.
We have almost finished her up. I'll be posting photos of her with the complete paint job along with completing posts with details about the rebuild.
I'm including a link to the final details of identifying our Okie here.
I am leaving the all the previous investigative/identification info. below for future readers who may be interested in reading about our camper story.
The hunt for information has probably been one of the most thrilling aspects of campering so far!
Thanks for reading!
Grace and Peace
** updated periodically with pictures and links at the bottom; so please check back!
These are pictures of our Camper when we first brought it home.
I have no idea what YEAR, MAKE OR MODEL it is. We've looked all over for any identifying marks, plates and numbers. There are none, there isn't even a decal or PLASTIC NAME PLATE.




Resembles Bell and Frolic Campers.
If you have any information: please email me by clicking the SNOOPY MAIL BOX ON THE SIDEBAR OF THIS BLOG.
Grace and Peace~
Thanks for looking...
Grace and Peace~
Finally! we have identified our camper. (it only took five years, but we've done it!)
We own a 1967 Okie camper.
We are STILL very interested in any information you have about Okie campers. We haven't found out much about them. Most of the ones we've seen online are much smaller that ours. We have found an Okie Trailer manufacturer-- but they only make utility trailers.
We are not sure if this is the same company.
If you have any information about vintage Okie Camper-trailers... please email me... click the snoopy mailbox on the side bar and drop me line. I'd love to hear what you have to say about the Okie.
We have almost finished her up. I'll be posting photos of her with the complete paint job along with completing posts with details about the rebuild.
I'm including a link to the final details of identifying our Okie here.
I am leaving the all the previous investigative/identification info. below for future readers who may be interested in reading about our camper story.
The hunt for information has probably been one of the most thrilling aspects of campering so far!
Thanks for reading!
Grace and Peace
** updated periodically with pictures and links at the bottom; so please check back!
These are pictures of our Camper when we first brought it home.
I have no idea what YEAR, MAKE OR MODEL it is. We've looked all over for any identifying marks, plates and numbers. There are none, there isn't even a decal or PLASTIC NAME PLATE.
- 8 ft. wide X 13 ft. long
- SINGLE AXLE - 5 lug wheels
- 7 jalousy (crank out) type windows - all the way around
- 2 propane bottle -cache (though the interior was gutted of appliances)
- ORIGINAL PAINT: WHITE with TEAL BLUE STRIPE- diamond pattern skin/metal
- WEDDING CAKE TAIL LIGHTS (though they crumbled upon removal)

Resembles Bell and Frolic Campers.
If you have any information: please email me by clicking the SNOOPY MAIL BOX ON THE SIDEBAR OF THIS BLOG.
Grace and Peace~
** update - our camper is probably pre 1970 model.... we're getting closer!
This is the breaker box-- from our camper, assuming it's the original.
Let me know if you have any info on this box. I'm told the maker of this breaker box went out of business in the early 1970s... the breakers are available aftermarket for a hefty price! $45 at Home Depot.
** Update March 18,2016-- OKIE Mfg. -- POSSIBLE: Okanagan ? ANY INFO IS APPRECIATED! Thanks for looking!
Thanks for looking...
Grace and Peace~
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